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Archived Sketch

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Minimalistic Portrait

size(310,480); background(211,199,209); fill(229,195,174); noStroke(); quad(70,290,125,325,50,500,0,480); quad(30,425,260,480,255,510,20,480); fill(0,0,0); noStroke(); quad(50,320,70,270,140,230,200,420); quad(190,320,200,240,310,210,310,355); quad(50,260,340,170,340,500,135,510); //arm covering fill(229,195,174); noStroke(); quad(30,425,260,480,255,510,20,480); //neck fill(288,178,147); triangle(130,220,200,205,160,340); fill(229,195,174); noStroke(); ellipse(150,150,140,200); fill(33,22,30); noStroke(); quad(150,35,220,55,220,85,100,115); quad(70,100,125,4
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  • {{co.title}}
    {{$t('sketch.mode-pjs')}} {{$t('general.learnMore')}}
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    • {{l.url.substr(l.url.lastIndexOf('/') + 1)}}



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