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A landscape generator based on crossing and manipulating samples of Perlin Noise using various techniques. Edit: Added 'h' to toggle rainbow color. Controls: Mouse Position determines Camera angle. (Based on controls I first saw in this sketch Mouse Clicked Stops/Starts the animation. KeyCode: wasd-Moves around the landscape. z/x-Zooms in/out, respectively. c/v-Changes noise scale. b/n-Changes the Z offset (part of the generation of the terrain). l-Toggles lines. o/p-Changes speed of terrain reformation. h-Toggles rainbows. r-Restores all defaults.
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  • {{co.title}}
    {{$t('sketch.mode-pjs')}} {{$t('general.learnMore')}}
    Select mode or a template
    • {{l.url.substr(l.url.lastIndexOf('/') + 1)}}



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