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Project 1- Figure and Ground

1. Start off with a black background (this will act as your ground). 2. Create a circle on the page. 3. Overlay a piece of trace that spans the width of the background and uses the horizontal regulating lines of the circle. 4. Overlay two pieces of trace that span the height of the background and uses the vertical regulating lines of the circle. 5. Draw a red horizontal line through the middle of the circle that spans the width of the background. 6. Draw a red vertical line that is exactly in the middle of the left edge of the drawing and the left edge of the vertical pieces of
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  • {{co.title}}
    {{$t('sketch.mode-pjs')}} {{$t('general.learnMore')}}
    Select mode or a template
    • {{l.url.substr(l.url.lastIndexOf('/') + 1)}}



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